eBento http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/EBENTO/131/127/21 open 11th till 31th May
Exclusive Item:
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - RAINBOW
i used DEW with brows
Rainbow comes in 10 different skin tones with and without brows
also the shape is sold separately
the skins are also sold in a fatpack
I also wear
Halo: :: ANTAYA :: Unisex halo "Equilibrium"
@ Pandora Fair (from 11th May till 31th May)
this halo comes in animated and static version
both are unrigged / resizable
it is an unisex item
after the Event it will be @ Antaya Mainstore
Dress: ::AMF:: Lydia Gown
this new gown comes with an hud with 24 colors
sizes are for Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Lara, Legacy and Physique
after the Event it will be @ After Midnight Fashion Store
Tattoo: Kira TattOO ~NEDA
@ Sense Event (open till 8th June)
i used the 100 % Classic/BoM version
it also comes in 50 and 75 % shade
Neda has also a Applier Hud if you dont use BoM
after that Event it will be @ Kira Tattoo Mainstore
Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Strange Face W002 - Mocap @ Genus Project Store
Body: [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4) @ The Shops
Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Sari hair - Natural dye @ Tableau Vivant
Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Noldor Elf Ears 0.1 @ Swallow Store
Bolts: ::Static:: Thunder Goddess's Bolts currently at Pandora Fair
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Future Vision - Neon Myths
this is one of 6 backdrops from the Neon Myths collection
it has 3 animated squares
@ Pandora Fair (from 11th May till 31th May)
after the Event they will be @ The Bearded Guy Mainstore
Pose: FOXCITY. Supernatural 2m @ Foxcity