eBento http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/EBENTO/131/127/21 open 11th till 31th May
Exclusive Item:
Hair: no.match_ ~ NO_CRADLE
this hair has a style hud for 2 dufferent styles
it comes in several color packs
and its resizeable to fit your head best
Necklace: .::Supernatural::. Geodalia Necklace
i wear the Silver one
this necklace comes in 6 different metal colors
it has a hud for the Gems
I also wear
Top: eXxEsS: Top No.2
this top is made for Maitreya + Petite, Kupra Kups and Hourglass
the hud as an A and B side
one with plaid colors and one with pattern
Pants: eXxEsS: Leather Pants No.1
size are for Kupra, Maitreya and Maitreya Petite
the hud comes with many different colors plus metal colors
also @ exxess Store
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - DRAGONFLY
@ Girls Heaven (till 26th May)
i used Sand with brows
She comes in light and dark pack
shes made for Genus Head but works also on other heads
Head: [AK Advanced] - Bento Head 4.0 #W15 @ AK Store
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3 + Add-On Petite @ Maitreya
Furniture: .:Tm:.C. Sf17 Imagine you and me Sofa Set
@ Jail Event (open till 30th May 2021)
this sofa set comes with plant and rug
you can unlink every part and arange it around
i unlinked the pillows and put them on the sofa
available in PG and Adult versions with single and couple animations
after the event it will be @ .:Tm:.Cration Mainstore