Pose: *Moonchild* Priestess of the Moon
single pose with pose ball and animation in the pack
get it @ Moonchild Mainstore
Head: GENUS MORPH - Head Base Oval - v1.0
with EyeMorph Puppy, LipMorph Cupid and NoseMorph Wavy
Head Skin: comes with the head (GENUS - Base Skin - Snow - No Brows - 4K BOM)
Body: Meshbody [LEGACY] (f) Pinup x Bombshell (1.0)
Body Skin: VELOUR: Ipanema Body for Legacy - Curvy (Snow)
Hair: .Shi Hair : Da'at . Mono
Top: [The Forge] Vana Top
Sleeves: [The Forge] Kyra Sleeve
Pants: [The Forge] Xeria Outfit