eBento http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/EBENTO/131/127/21 open 11th till 31st August
Exclusive Item:
Skin: [GA.EG] Full Skins - Ava - Fatpack - BOM
i used ST1.2
this skin comes with 9 different skin tones
they are only BoM and with or without brows
I also wear
Head: [GA.EG] Ava 2.2 Bento Mesh Head
this head comes with 8 skin tones, an animations hud with a starter pack of animations and a start shape
more animations and make-up can be bought seperatly at the GA.EG Store
you can use Ava also in BoM version, button is in the smart hud included
more heads, make-up and skins @ GA.EG Mainstore
Body: -Kalhene- ERIKA Mesh Body
a complete avatar including Bento Mesh Head and Bento Body
both can be worn seperate or together
Erika is completly BoM and brings some skins with her
she also has 11 outfits and a pack of underwear included
an alpha cuts hud is also in the pack
get her @ Kalhene Mainstore
Hair: :::Phoenix::: Mila. Hair
a cute middle lenght hair style with style hud
Mila is available in many color packs or as a fatpack
she also has a hat that can be showed or hidden with the style hud
get this and more hairstyles @ Phoenix Hair Mainstore
Tattoo: Kira TattOO ~SENA
Sena comes in 3 shades: 50, 75 and 100%
i used the 100% version in BoM
but Sena has a Hud if you want to apply the tattoo on a not BoM body
this and more Tattoos @ Kira Tattoo Mainstore
Pose: [DPSP] - Yasiren
i used 2B
Yasiren comes with 2 poses and 2 mirror versions
a pose stand is included
if the pose dont fit perfect just addjust a bit your shape
this and more poses @ DPSP Mainstore
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - Lifetime Backdrop - Crimsom
@ Thirsty Event (open till 30th August)
the Lifetime Backdrop is available in 10 different colors
it is modify so you can make it smaller or bigger
more Backdrops @ The Bearded Guy Mainstore
Dress: Rebane. Sports Dress. Black. @ The Inithium Event (till 8th September)