"we are the granddaughters of the witches you weren't able to burn"
Bodysuit: -BOD- In Chains Bodysuit
this bodysuit comes as classic/BoM and applier
Gloves: -BOD- Gift From hell gloves
this gloves are a group gift
join the group and get it @ Beuaty of Darkness Mainmall
Socks: -BOD- Freak Socks
they are as Applier or classic
the classic can be used as BoM like i did
get them @ Beauty of Darkness Mainmall
Pose/Decor: :Z.S: Witches Starter Kit
get it @ Epiphany April 2021 (opens 15th April)
8 common and 1 rare (spilled bag)
the pose is the exclusive item and comes with hud for the stones and the 2 stones plus the animation pose
more gachas @ Zombie Suicide Store
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - MAHONY lights (Cotton Candy used) @ Pretty Event (open till 30th April)
Head: LeLUTKA Nova Head 2.5 @ LeLutka Mainstore
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3 @ Maitreya
Hair: DOUX - Kiara hairstyle @ DOUX Mainstore
Lights: :[P]:- Adria Magical Girl:// Animated Typer (Gacha) @ Petrichor
Candles around: Amitie Candles in the Dark Pack
Backdrop: Synnergy Madam Magic Backdrop @ Synnergy Store