Avatar: ^v^ AVAtOOn Kimiko Mesh body & head
new mesh Body & Head from Absolut Creation
it comes in 2 size (grande & tiny), both are complete bento and BoM compatible
2 shapes comming with it but you can edit it how you want
there are 6 skintones with and without brows, just click on the body hud at skin all tones to get them
get kimiko @ Absolut Creation Marketplace
Dress: comes with the AVAtOOn
Shoes: comes with the AVAtOOn in flat or high
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Storm - black & whites @ Truth Hair
Ears: Sweet Thing. Fluffy Neko Ears (Bento) @ Sweet Thing Mainstore
Tail: Sweet Thing. Fuwa Tail (Bento)
Pose: FOXCITY. Neko Bento Pose Set (Breather VOL6) no 5 used @ FOXCITY
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Beautiful Things (B&SW)