Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2020
fairy blues
I'm wearing:
Tattoo: Kira TattOO ~SAIBA @ UNIK Event only open till 31st May
more great Tattoos @ Kira Tattoo Mainstore or @ Kira Tattoo Marketplace
Aura/Sparkeling: [ Cinnamon Cocaine ] Pleiades Aura @ [Cinnamon Cocaine] Marketplace
you can find this and more Auras on her marketplace store
Head: LAQ Bento head - Noelle @ LAQ
Body: Slink - Physique Redux Hourglass Mesh Body Bundle @ Slink Mainstore
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - LINNA SAND @ 7 Deadly s[K]ins Mainstore
Hair: Tableau Vivant // Tempest hair [v.6] - Reds @ Tableau Mainstore
Outfit: *OA-MEO* =Atlana= @ OA-MEO @ Mainstore.2020
Pose: Stardust - Guardian - 03 Bento Pose @ Stardust Mainstore
Location: Japan Tempura Island
Windlight: Fairy dark blue (Paulina)
Bodysuit: LunchMeat Hexa neon bodysuit is rigged for Lara X, Legacy & Perky and Reborn & Juicy boobs & Waifus...

I'm wearing: Hair: :::Phoenix::: Lory Hair @ ACCESS Event from 12th october till 8th november comes in 3 size and boob s...
Outfit: {Le'La} Vampiress this awesome halloween outfit is rigged for Erika, GenX both, Kupra, LaraX + Petite, Maitreya + ...
Outfit: {Le'La} Jamie 4th July celebrate the 4th of july with this outfit it comes with Boots, Hat, BoM Face ...