Freitag, 27. März 2020
I'm wearing:
Dress: T.P.G.ProjecT Ryhanna DRESS. ^.^ @ T.P.G.Project Marketplace
more cute and sexy outfits @ T.P.G.Project Mainstore
Head: LeLUTKA Lake Head @ Skin Fair open till 29th March
later @ LeLutka Mainstore
Body: -Belleza- Freya @ Belleza Store
Skin: Essences BOM Sierra E8 (light) (Powder Pack LeLutka Feb. '20)
Hair: no.match_ ~ NO_WTF @ no.match Mainstore
Eyes: .euphoric ~Lolita Eyes (Powder Pack LeLutka Feb. '20)
Pose: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. Lili Pose Pack SL16B no5 (Pose 2 used)
Location: Backdrop City Blogger Spot
Windlight: - Closeups
Donnerstag, 26. März 2020
I'm wearing:
Accessoir: :Z.S: Alien Antenna was the Gift for ending Green Mire
get more gifts and other fantastic things @ Zombie Suicide Mainstore
Aura: [Cinnamon Cocaine] Universe Aura @ [Cinnamon Cocaine] Marketplace
Head: CATWA HEAD Blueberry @ Catwa Mainstore
Body: Slink Physique Classic Mesh Body Original @ Slink Mainstore
Skin: :[P]:- Gilded Fae FF Low Lag Avatar [Plastik] - Female
Eyes: Izzie's - Demon Eyes @ Izzie's Mainstore
Hair: .Shi Hair : Kadosh / Unisex . Mono @ .Shi Mainstore
Flowers: E.V.E Virtual Poppies (Chest, Neck, Back)
Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Pop Pixie Ears @ ^^Swallow^^ Mainstore
Location: Backdrop City Blogger Spot
Windlight: [TOR] SUNSET - Silhouetta + Facelight
Dienstag, 24. März 2020
I'm wearing:
Outfit: [HC] Marisa @ [HC]Hopes Creations Mainstore
Tattoo: [Suicidal Thots] Blossoming Tattoo @ [Suicidal Thots] Marketplace
Head: LeLUTKA Nova Head @ LeLutka Mainstore
Body: Slink - Physique Redux Hourglass Mesh Body Bundle + Petit Chest Augment @ Slink Mainstore
Skin: Glam Affair - Body Applier [ Slink ] A-006 + Glam Affair - Rika - Lelutka Evolution @ Glam Affair Mainstore
Hair: Magika - Honest @ Magika Hair
Pose: FOXCITY. Good Morning Bento Set 1m @ Foxcity
Locatio: Backdrop City Blogger Spot
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020
Looking for you
I'm wearing:
Tattoo: KIRA TATTOO-strong @ Swank Event open 7 march
more fantastic Tattoos @ Kira Tattoo Mainstore or @ Kira Tattoo Marketplace
Head: LeLUTKA Nova Head 1.1 @ LeLutka Mainstore
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.0 @ Maitreya
Skin: Go&See * Iva * Powder Pack ~ Lelutka [2.20] Amber
Hair: Magika - Friday @ Magika Hair
Ears: ^^Swallow^^ GothLoli Ears
Outfit: Blueberry - Icon - Lingerie Set - Black
Backdrop: Lyrium. Through Glass Midnight & Through Glass Pose 4
Windlight: regional settings
Montag, 16. März 2020
just breathe
I'm wearing:
Tattoo: BLASPHEMIC - Just breathe Tattoo @ EBP Candyland 2 March 14-24th 2020
more Clothing and Tattoos @ BLASPHEMIC Pop up Store
Head: LeLUTKA Nova Head 1.1 @ LeLutka Mainstore
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.0 @ Maitreya
Skin: Go&See * Iva * Powder Pack ~ Lelutka (summer)
Ears: ^^Swallow^^ GothLoli Ears @ Anthem march 3rd-30th 2020
Hair: Wasabi // Stormy Mesh Hair - FLF Exclusive pack @ Wasabi Mainstore
Windlight: Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim
Pose: Tt Desirable girl - fem still pose - 08 (Tutys)
Mittwoch, 4. März 2020
I'm wearing:
Tattoo: KIRA TATTOO-ROSY @ The Darkness Event (open 5th march - ends 28th march)
more awesome tattoos @ Kira Tattoo Mainstore or @ Kira Tattoo Marketplace
Top: T.P.G.PROJ. *DENIM UPG. *XD TOP @ T.P.G.Project Marketplace
more nice clothing also @ ThE PrEtTy gIrL PrOjEcT Mainstore
Head: LeLUTKA Nova Head 1.0 @ LeLutka
Hair: ^;^CaTwA^;^ Nawal HairStyle/Black-White
Skin: Go&See * Iva * Summer * Powder Pack Feb'20 ~ Lelutka [2.20]
Lipsstick: Mad' - Scary Lipsticks [LeL evolution Applier] @ Mad' Mainstore
Pose: FOXCITY. Babe Bento Pose no1m
Windlight: Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim
Sonntag, 1. März 2020
Profil smile
I'm wearing:
Lipstick: BLASPHEMIC - Unicorn Blood - Lipstick Set @ THE DARKNESS CHAMBER FAIR
more nice lipsticks and outfits @ BLASPHEMIC Mainstore
Head: LeLutka Nova @ LeLutka
Hair: A&Y Cyber Queen - Rebirth - Black @ [A&Y] Mainstore
Pose: FOXCITY. Tomorrow Bento Pose no7 @ FOXCITY
Windlight: Nacon's Nighty Fog
Posts (Atom)
Bodysuit: LunchMeat Hexa neon bodysuit is rigged for Lara X, Legacy & Perky and Reborn & Juicy boobs & Waifus...

I'm wearing: Hair: :::Phoenix::: Lory Hair @ ACCESS Event from 12th october till 8th november comes in 3 size and boob s...
Outfit: {Le'La} Vampiress this awesome halloween outfit is rigged for Erika, GenX both, Kupra, LaraX + Petite, Maitreya + ...
Outfit: {Le'La} Jamie 4th July celebrate the 4th of july with this outfit it comes with Boots, Hat, BoM Face ...